business content strategy and copywriting
Side view of woman working on laptop, selective focus

The Oxford dictionary defines a copywriter as: 

a person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity materials

I’ll be completely honest… I think the dictionary needs a copywriter. 

Copywriters are magical unicorns who spend their time finding fun ways to play with people’s emotions. 

Ok, when I say it that way it sounds a little nefarious. But trust me. Copywriters are important. 

We like words. Probably more than people. 

Our superpower is taking your jumble of thoughts and ideas and turning them into something wonderful. 

To be successful at this, a copywriter needs to understand your business goals because it allows us to tailor the messaging in a way that allows you to achieve them.

We assume your voice
We channel your essence. 
We understand the ins and outs of your business offering. 
We basically become you so that when it comes to writing your content, we’ve got you covered. 

Hmm… still not making it sound less creepy, am I? 

Let me try again: 

A copywriter’s job is to craft succinct, engaging, attention-grabbing copy for businesses (not unnecessarily wordy sentences like that one … but you get the picture…) 

What’s the difference between copywriting and content writing? 

Whoa…. Am I suggesting there is a difference? Yep. Absolutely. 

More often than not content writing and copywriting are lumped together. But guess what… they’re not the same! 

While they can play a similar role in your marketing – to attract, engage, educate and entertain your readers, the approach is completely different. 

Content is a slow burn romance with your reader. The longer presentation (think: articles, blogs, case studies), is meant to really build trust and showcase your expertise on a topic. It is not meant to capture sales, but to nurture your audience, and give them the information they are looking for. 

In a marketing strategy, your content is how you build your credibility and authority. 

Copywriting on the other hand, still has the similar purpose of attracting, engaging, educating, and entertaining readers, but the delivery method is totally different. It’s meant to sway opinions, change minds, and persuade your reader to act now

If content is a slow burn, copy is fast, furious, and fearless plunge into a love affair. 

It has to be. Because your reader isn’t looking for a long time, and you have precious seconds to make your words count. 

The quick version? 

Content is for storytelling, copywriting drives sales. 

Copywriting for business

copywriting for business

With digital marketing playing such a big part of most marketing strategies, copywriting is pivotal to ensuring your words are reaching the right people. 

Afterall, the internet is a big place, filled with a lot of information. 

I mean, just think about your website… Its sole purpose is to sell something. To achieve that you need to give your reader enough information that they act on your call to action with confidence, but not too much information that they get lost, confused and….

BOUNCE (gotta keep that bounce rate down!!)  

Good copy drives sales. And sales mean good business. 

Which is why your business should make sure that when it comes down to putting the right words on an ad, on your website, on your social captions… it’s gotta count! 

What makes good copywriting? 

Good copy is memorable. 

Good copy is relatable. 

Good copy has a clear message. 

Good copy converts because it strikes a perfect chord with your audience. 

I like to think of copy as word-math (probably because actual number math was not my friend in high school). But let me explain… 

There are certain formulas you can use to arrange copy depending on what you’re trying to get across. 

For Example: 

Can’t stop the scroll? Say no more!
Don’t let your content be just another drop in the ocean
Swim past the break with Charisma Creative, where scrolling STOPS and conversions swim to the top! 
Sign up now and RIDE THE WAVE with done-for-you that works! 

Ok, ok… I totally made my own ad copy as an example. But why not? It’s better than making up 123 Company Name (because that’s not overused 😉 ) 

Still – I needed to make a point. 

The formula here is simple: 

Problem Statement 

Agitate (how it makes your life harder)

Solution (Let me fix it!) 

Call to action (do it now!)

(Problem →) Can’t stop the scroll? Say no more! 
Don’t let your content be just another drop in the ocean( ← agitate – unseen content)  
Swim past the break with Charisma Creative, where scrolling STOPS and conversions swim to the top! (← solution)  
(Call to action →) Sign up now and RIDE THE WAVE with done-for-you that works! 

You might even find a rule of three…


Count on Charisma Creative to deliver captivating, creative, and converting copy every time. 

If you were wondering THREE WHAT? Three features or benefits from your product or service.

Count on Charisma Creative to deliver (1) witty, (2) informative, and (3) converting copy every time.  

See… copy can be fun and formulaic. But you really need an imagination to make it memorable.  

Why do I write copy? 

Well, if it were up to my parents, I would have been a doctor. But… remember that “not friends with numbers” comment I made earlier… ya. Doctoring needs you to be good with numbers. 

Nope, I’ll trade numbers for words any day. 

You see, I’m good at words. 

I’m good at picking out quirky unique parts of businesses and spinning that thought into something fun and memorable. 

I am good at making the hard things easy to read and understand. 

I thrive on alliterations and assonance – because word play is fun.

I also love the Oxford comma. It gives clarity to your writing (I will fight you on this, if needed). 

Copywriting for business makes me happy, because I get to hear amazing stories, learn new things, and translate that information for the masses. 

I get to create something unique every time. Even if copywriting can have some formulaic elements, it’s what you do with your infinite possibility of words that set the state for greatness. 

And who doesn’t want great copy? 

That’s what I thought. 

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